Nationwide Inventory of Industrial Hertiage Resources, with the support of the J.M. Kapland Fund

Industrial heritage sites are frequently exposed, vulnerable, under-appreciated, and at risk because there is no unified listing or inventory of sites and landscapes that allows evaluation and judgment about what resources are of value and in particular need of preservation. To address this need, at the Industrial Archaeology and Heritage Program at Michigan Technological University we are working to develop the first comprehensive nationwide Inventory of Industrial Heritage Resources, with the support of the J. M. Kaplan Fund.

We would like to hear from anyone working with industrial and heritage databases, in order to develop a database that is complete and addresses current practices, needs and expectations throughout the country.

Please participate by answering the following questionnaire:

We deeply appreciate the time you may put into answering this questionnaire. All the information compiled will be of use and a valuable contribution to this national project, to make it a living, dynamic and open-access document, of use and value to all.

Please feel free to contact us directly if you have questions and/or suggestions.
Patrick Martin ( Professor and Department Chair
Leonor de Medeiros ( PhD Student and Kaplan Fellow in Industrial Heritage