put google translate here
National Reports: template
National reports for the Taiwan congress should be sent to Iain Stuart. The template for the reports can be downloaded here:
Taiwan TICCIH Congress - Reduced rate for members.
Reduced rate for current paid-up members - check the Directory of Members (lower left) if you´re unsure. Accepted abstracts and posters are on the congress site with proposals from 26 countries. Congress flyer with details and draft timetable of the great, week-long meeting.
Membership in 2012
If you´re not sure when your membership expires, consult the members´ Directory on this page. The year(s) for which you have paid are in brackets.
TICCIH Bulletin #57 published
The latest digital edition of the TICCIH Bulletin was sent out on the 27 July. It came from the Office of the TICCIH President, ticcih@mtu.edu. REMEMBER TO TELL US IF YOU CHANGE YOUR E-MAIL!
TICCIH on Facebook.
We now have our own page on facebook - see the logo and link on the right. The aim of this is to improve communication between TICCIH members by providing a place on which information can be simply posted. The page has been developed by Iain Stuart.
Taiwan 4/11/2012 - 11/11/2012
XV TICCIH Congress: Post-Colonialism & Reinterpretation of Industrial Heritage’
The meeting looks at the close connections between historical, political, racial, environmental, economical, technical, and social questions of industrial heritage. Info and timetable: Contact: Dr. Hsiao-Wei Lin
Mexico 27/5/2013 - 2/6/2013
VII Latin American Symposium on Conservation of the Industrial Heritage, CfP
III International Seminar of TICCIH Mexico. Industrial Heritage and Regional Development: Rescue, awareness, reuse and social participation.