
The bylaws of the Northern New England Chapter of the Society for Industrial Archeology were adopted November 15, 1986 at the Chapter's Fall general membership meeting in Claremont, New Hampshire.  They were first amended May 12, 2001 at the Chapter's general membership meeting held at Hinsdale, New Hampshire. These bylaws and their amendment were type set for electronic transmission in accordance with the direction of the Chapter’s Executive Board - November 7, 1999.


The name of the northern New England area local chapter of the incorporated Society for Industrial Archeology shall be the "Northern New England Chapter."
The purposes of the Northern New England Chapter are in accord with those of the Society for Industrial Archeology, to wit: to promote scholarly research in, and the dissemination of knowledge concerning industrial archeology; to foster the preservation and recording of industrial sites, structures, and objects; to exchange information in this field; to hold periodic meetings and field trips on matters of mutual interest relating to the field of industrial archeology; and to seek the cooperation of concerned local learned institutions, societies, and organizations for projects and research, in accordance with Article X, "Chapters of the Society," of the Society for Industrial Archeology’s by laws.
Section 1 - Membership in the Chapter is open to all persons regardless of age, sex, race, or religious beliefs who wish to participate with other members in achieving the purposes of the Society for Industrial Archeology, in accordance with its bylaws..

Section 2 – Chapter members are encouraged to become members of the Society for Industrial Archeology within at least one year of acceptance into Chapter membership although it is not necessary to do so in order to participate in Chapter activities..

Section 3 – The annual dues for Chapter membership shall be established by majority vote of the Chapter membership present and voting at the first regular meeting following the commencement of the calendar year. Members delinquent in paying dues for one year shall be dropped from the rolls of the Chapter.

Section 4 – Complementary membership to the Chapter may bestow upon persons who assist the Chapter in its purposes as determined by the executive board. Complementary membership shall expire after one year.

Section 1 – In accordance with the bylaws of the Society for Industrial Archeology, the Chapter shall hold a minimum of two meetings each year, one of which shall be "the annual meeting" at which officers are elected.

Section 2 – The annual meeting shall be held on a Saturday between September 1 and December 31, except on a legal holiday.

Section 1 – The executive officers of the Northern New England Chapter shall be the president, first vice president, second vice president, secretary, and treasurer. All of the officers shall be members of the Society for Industrial Archeology and elected for a term of one year by majority vote at the annual meeting. The officers of secretary and treasurer may be held by a single person, if nominated by the membership.

Section 2 – The executive officers shall constitute an executive board which may meet as determined by and as called by the president to conduct the business of the chapter. The executive board shall appoint any other officials of the chapter to serve at their pleasure.

Section 3 – The president shall determine the dates of the meetings of the membership, preside over all meetings of the membership and executive board, direct the chapter in achieving the requirements and policies of the Society for Industrial Archeology, and see that the orders and resolutions of the executive board and membership of the chapter are carried out.

Section 4 – The first vice president shall assist the president and assume the duties of the president in his/her absence.

Section 5 – The second vice president shall, with the assistance of others, be responsible for making local arrangements for chapter tours and meetings.

Section 6 – The secretary shall maintain complete records of the Chapter; submit required reports to the chairperson of the local chapter committee of the Society for Industrial Archeology; shall see that members are notified of meetings; and shall attend to any necessary correspondence.

Section 7 – The treasurer shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds and securities of the Chapter, keeping accurate and full accounts of receipts and disbursements in books belonging to the Chapter, and deposit all such monies in the name of the Chapter in such banks or other depositories in accordance with the directions of the executive board; shall annually submit a written financial report to the membership; and shall collect dues and maintain the membership records and membership rolls.

The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order Revised shall govern the chapter in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with these by-laws.
These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting at a regular business meeting provided that the amendment was proposed in writing at the previous regular business meeting, or the entire membership was informed of the proposed amendment by U.S. Mail at least thirty days in advance. Amendments shall become in effect immediately upon their adoption.

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