
The Northern New England Chapter of the Society for Industrial Archeology (NNEC-SIA) continuously seeks new members who subscribe to the purposes of the organization and who are willing to participate with other members in achieving those purposes.

Chapter membership dues are payable by membership year (the calendar year).  Three catagories of membership are available:

_______ Paid Up For Life [PUFL] $100.00
_______ Regular [R] $  10.00
_______ Student [S] (Under-graduate, any age) $    5.00

Chapter membership does not include membership in the parent Society for Industrial Archeology (SIA).  Chapter members are encouraged to also join the SIA, however, SIA membership is not prerequisite to being a non-voting/non-office holding member of the NNEC-SIA.

Membership Application

I subscribe to the purposes of The Society for Industrial Archeology and its Northern New England Chapter.  I hereby reflect my commitment to those purposes and my willingness to participate with other members in achieving them by applying for membership in the NNEC-SIA.

Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________________

Town/City: ________________________________ State: ______________________ Zip: _____________

Home Telephone # (______) ______ - ____________ Work Telephone # (______) ______ - ____________

FAX # (______) ______ - ______________ Email Address: ______________________________________

Remarks: ______________________________________________________________________________

Make checks payable to:  NNEC - SIA

Students: Must attach a copy of their valid Student ID

Mail checks and the completed application form to:

  • Herman C. Brown

  • Secretary/Treasurer, NNEC-SIA
    250 West Shore Road
    Grand Isle, VT  05458-2104
    Announcement: Email shall be utilized to the greatest extent possible to expedite dissemination of meeting notices and other information to the NNEC-SIA membership.  Maximum utilization of email should allow the NNEC-SIA to timely communicate chapter news and other matters of interest.
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