What's New in
Northern New England

This page is dedicated to the lastest in Industrial Archeology (IA) news from the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Northeastern New York.  Notice of meetings, events and activities of the Northern New England Chapter of the Society for Industrial Archeology (NNEC-SIA) and anything else of interest to northern New England industrial archeology enthusiasts will be posted here.  Email us your northern New England IA news.

NNEC-SIA 2002-2003 Officers

 Dr. David R. Starbuck President
Elizabeth (Betty) Hall 1st Vice President
David H. Coughlin 2nd Vice President
Herman C. Brown Secretary/Treasurer

Conferences, Meetings and Tours

Saturday, May 10, 2003 - NNEC-SIA Spring Meeting and Field Tour.  The days events begin at 9:30 am at the Sarah Mildred Long bridge spanning the Piscataqua River between Portsmouth, NH and Kittery, ME.  Sites to be visited include: three railraod bridges, the remnants of a turntable and locomotive house, a wollen mill, and a granite quarry.  The public is invited.  Registration fee $5.00 per person.  For additional information contact Nelson Lawry, Field Tours Committee Chairman at lawrynh@aol.com or (603) 742-0543.



New Hampshire:


Railroad and waterfront sites - The Southern Connector Highway Project
Mill sites - The Hanaford Site (19th Century Saw and Gristmill) and the Powell Site (19th Century Starch Factory and Wheelwright Shop)

Mine sites - The Elizabeth Mine

Breakwater sites - The Burlington Breakwater
Northeastern New York:
Breakwater sites - The Plattsburgh Breakwater

Brickyard, tannery and distillery sites - The Quackenbush Square Excavation

Waterfront (dock) sites - The Dean Street Excavation

Forge Sites - The Clintonville Forge

Field Schools and Workshops

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