SIA Newsletter (SIAN) 1999


 Selected feature articles

 Complete Newsletter in PDF (use Adobe Arcobat)


 Vol. 28, No. 1 (Spring 1999)

  •  Industry in the Central Connecticut River Valley: Review of SIA Fall Tour '98
  • Whither Industrial Archeology
  • IA in Art
  • Time Running Out for Cleveland's Hulett Ore Unloaders
  • Yorkville Clock gets a facelift

 Vol. 28, No. 2 (Summer 1999)

  • El Cerro Rico; a trip to Bolivia's silver mines
  • Motown Review V: Detroit's IA in 1999
  • Western Oregon's China Ditch
  • Bridge of Lions Draws Support
  • New Finds in Brewery Architecture
  • The Suburbanization of Paterson, NJ's National Historic Landmark District
  • Cleavland's Huletts Soon Will Be History

Vol. 28, No. 3 (Fall 1999)

  • 1999 Annual Conference Report-Savannah
  • Minutes of the 1999 Annual Business Meeting
  • 1999 General Tools Award Reipient: Vance Packard
  • 1999 Norton Prize winners: David Landon & Tim Tumberg
  • The Nation's Last Wool Pullery will be demolished
  • IA in Art: Toil (1913) & Bingham Mine (1937)
  • Kinne Collection of Water Turbines

Vol. 28, No. 4 (Winter 1999)
  • Birmingham, Pittsburgh of the South," Fall tour
  • IA in Art, Duluth: Joseph Pennell and the Wonder of Work
  • Canadian News-The Lachine Canal Project
  • The Smallest Oil Refinery in the U.S. (C&H Refinery, Lusk, Wyoming)
  • Elusive American Truss Bridges, Kellogg Truss
  • Stonewall Quarry, Stonewall, Manitoba, Canada

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