Selected feature articles
Complete Newsletter in PDF (use Adobe Arcobat)
Vol, 29, No. 1 (Winter 2000)
- The Ups and Downs of IA in Syracuse (NY)
- Wheeling Bridge Conference Marks 150th Anniversary (of Wheeling Suspension Bridge)
- A Visit to Potosi, Bolivia II
- Historic American Engineering Record 30th Anniversary Exhibition, National Building Museum
- Protecting the Irreplaceable in Cleveland, OH (the removal of the Hulett iron-ore Unloaders)
- On Patterson's (NJ) National Historic Landmark District
- A Brief History of the Parma Reservoir (Suburb of Cleveland, OH)
- Elusive American Truss Bridges: Stearns Truss
- Kenneth Hudson, 1916-1999
- Central Mine (MI) Preservation Project
Vol. 29, No. 2 (Spring 2000)
- IA at the Head of the Lake (2000 Annual Conference in Duluth, MN)
- Eric DeLony, 2000 General Tools Award Recipient
- David Simmons 2000 Norton Prize Winner
- Historic Bridge News
- Hellertown (PA) Iron Truss Bridge Rededicated
- Schroeder (Madison, IN) Saddletree Factory Restoration Under Way
Vol. 29, No. 3-4 (Summer - Fall 2000)
- The Hudson & Manhattan RR Powerhouse, Jersey City, NJ
- List of Mine Tours in U.S. & Canada, includes hour, fees & information.
- Steaming to Duluth - A postscript to the Duluth annual conference
- Elusive American Truss Bridges, Greiner Truss- a bridge of old rails.
- Dual Honors for last Bollman Truss spanning the Little Patuxent River in Savage, Howard County, Maryland.