Text from SIAN Vol. 2, No. 5 Sept. 1973

Volume Two Number 5 September 1973
Published by the Society for Industrial Archeology Editor: Robert M. Vogel

Left Photograph. Overall view of lower-race section Grant Locomotive Works yard.
Right Photograph. Archeological observer Budd Wilson cleaning section of Moms Canal

Paterson, NJ’s historic industrial district (SIAN 1:5, 2: 1,
Suppls 2 & 3) is the scene of a salvage archeological project
sponsored by the Great Falls Development Corp, which is
receiving financial support from the state and federal depts
of transportation. The work began with 16 weeks of excava-
tion, which ended 1 Nov, to be followed by two years of
artifact analysis, historical research, oral history, and compila-
tion of a comprehensive salvage report.

The work to date has attempted to rescue information and
artifacts from the path of NJ Route 20, in its original plan
to have destroyed half of the district’s industrial structures.
GFDC has been able to persuade the highway planners to
consider the historical merit of the area before further con-
tracts are let. The present project is salvaging material from
the path of a large ( 5 6 dia) storm drain being laid through
the district to relieve possible flooding due to previous high-
way construction. Here, partial success can be reported, as
the NJ DOT has agreed to review alternate tunnel design
possibilities that would avoid damaging historical material.
Though no final decision has been made, GFDC is hopeful
that the road builders have realized the value of what has
been unearthed and will move to save the site from destruc-

The finds that have led to this thoughtful revision of plans
are in a deeply stratified site that chronicles American indus-
trial development from the 1790s to the present. A long,
long-covered tail race, serving a 1000‘ block of mills on Mar-
ket St, was found intact. It had been, we think, roofed over
with brownstone blocks and brick vaulting in the mid-lgthC,
allowing locomotive works to be built over it. This "lower
raceway" has been entered and four cross channels that dis-
charged into it from the middle race have been located. Each
has evidence of a wheel or turbine pit, although none contain
original equipment.

Remains of early 19thC mills also have been exhumed.
Built over these earlier walls are the parallel bays of a locomo-
tive erecting shop, with a double row of brownstone footings
for interior columns. A layer of coal ash was found o rer the
bays, which I believe was used to level off the building’s
ground floor. Above this remnants of a wooden floor were
found, revealing, probably, an adaptation of the erecting
shop building for a textile mill. For the past 70 or 80 years
the mill was closely identified with the textile industry, espe-
cially silk, for which Paterson was famous.
Although no careful description or analysis of features or
artifacts has yet been done, we can note several significant
finds. The presence of many files, for instance, suggests that
locomotive construction in the 19thC required a great deal
of hand fitting. Of singular interest is a round brass manufac-
turer’s plate, 8" diam, bearing the legend "New Jersey
Locomotive and Machine Co., Paterson." Although that com-
pany was on the site between 1850 and 1857, the building
was identified with the Grant Locomotive Co during most of
its use.

Other excavations, in various stages, include a profile cut
of the middle raceway, providing information on the race’s
construction and original position, and an excavation along
the largest erecting shop of Rogers Locomotive Wks, reveal-
ing a cellar that had long been covered by 5 ft of slag and
fill. We are now testing an area where research suggests a
RLW smith shop and a separate hammer shop were located.
The smithy may have contained 50 forges.

A salvage archeological precedent was set in this project:
the departments of transportation supporting research by an
archeological observer, whose work entailed observing high-
way excavation near, but not in the nationally recognized dis-
trict. Budd Wilson (SIA), known for his glass-house site dig
at historic Batsto Village in South Jersey, is the observer. He
has shown that much useful information can be gleaned
through such last minute observation. Although he had
authority to halt construction, the cooperation of S J Groves
Constr Co’s crew made this unnecessary. Most importantly,
the Lackawanna RR station was recorded before demolition.
Beneath the RR embankment, portions of the Morris Canal’s
sandstone walls were unearthed. Canal muck, full of artifacts,
was exposed after some 70 years. As the excavation
expanded, major elements of a partially burned canal barge
emerged. Edward S Rutsch.

Mr Rutsch will report further. He invites those interested or who
have pertinent information or questions to contact him at the GFDC
lab, 15 1/2 Van Houten St, Paterson 0751 0, (201) 278-2800.

On the heels of last issue’s announcement of the SIA
slidefilm and its funding by the Natl Endowment for the Arts
and Educational Facilities Laboratory, we are pleased to
’report a second award. This, from the Natl Endowment for
the Humanities, is of $12,950, for a much needed handbook
on the adaptive use of industrial and engineering historic
resources. The original proposal was submitted to NEH last
Dec. Notice of award (for the full amount requested) was
received on 16 May.

Almost immediately thereafter, a selection committee was
formed and began reviewing applications for the
authodeditor position. From an impressive field of c20 can-
didates, Ober Park Assoc Inc, Pittsburgh, was chosen in July.
Headed by Arthur Ziegler, Jr (SIA), long active in
Pittsburgh‘s preservation programs, the firm is publishing the
Historic Buildings of America Survey Series, on a state and
regional basis, as well as a set of guides to historic preserva-
tion. OPA has appointed Walter C Kidney (SIA) editor/wri-
ter. He will work closely with SIA in developing the book.
If all goes well, the handbook should be available by late
summer, 1974.

In addition to selected case studies, the format includes a
catalog of Fedl, state and municipal legislation relevant to
industrial site reuse; a detailed review of private and public
financing that may be available for rehabilitation and reuse,
and a bibliography.

The proposal was prepared by the SIA Preservation Com-
mittee, chaired by VP Chester H. Liebs. Project supervisor
for the grant is Ted Sande.

Mr Kidney is eager to hear of possible case-studies for inclusion
in the handbook (adaptations of historically interesting industrial
structures completed or well under way in the US and Canada).
Remodelings for industrial, commercial, residential, and educational
purposes are of interest, as long as they respect the original structure’s
character. WCK, 2270 Chatfield Drive, Cleveland Heights, OH

At the Natl Conference on IA held on the Isle of Man
(SIAN 2:3:2) in Sept, a (British) national IA organization was
established: the Association for Industrial Archaeology.
Officers and 5 council members were elected, 5 additional
council seats will be voted at a public inaugural meeting in
London late this year. L T C Rolt is president; R A Buchan-
an, VP; Neil Cossons (SIA), secy; John Diaper, treas; John
Butt, editor; Michael Bussell (SIA), conference secy; Michael
Rix, Fred Brook, Christine Vialls, Keith Falconer, & Douglas
Hague, council.

The precise function of the assn hasn’t been defined, but
it is anticipated that it will be a largely federal body uniting
the many local IA societies plus having institutional, indus-
trial and individual members. Publications are planned.
Although the AIA has been created as an essentially British
group and probably will always remain so, it seems likely that
some degree of internationalism will develop, a key element
of which, we would hope, will be a strong functional bond
with the SIA.

A "Blueprint," to assist the organization’s launching by stat-
ing basic requirements within the field of IA in Britain, was
presented at the Sept meeting by Cossons. Its principal aims
are: to promote better standards of recording; to insure the
conservation [preservation] of significant IA material; to pro-
mote research into techniques of IA recording and conser-
vation; and to promote broad-based sympathy for recording
and conservation of IA sites and areas.
A fully organized program of development will emerge as
the assn takes more tangible form. We wish it well, and will
report on its progress with interest and frequency.

Photographs: Lombard St. Bridge in transition. Top: the bifurcated "Water-pipe" center truss
still in lace spanning Jones Fails. Bottom: the two Pratt side trusses, having
been filed. out intacto, in temporary storage.

Bollman’s unique water-pipe truss bridge on Lombard St,
Baltimore, reported in jeopardy (SIAN 1:l) has, through a
series of coincidences, been given a lease on indefinite life.
The city felt compelled to replace it with a new bridge capable
of heavier loadings, a separate water main to take over its
hydraulic duties, but the Dept of Public Works, taking a posi-
tion uncommon among DPWs generally, was willing to bear
the cost of carefully dismantling the bridge, and re-erecting
it elsewhere in the city.

Almost simultaneously with this announcement, hurricane
Agnes in June 1972 carried away the sole access bridge to
the Ballymena Mill, cl860, in the historic textile mill village
of Dickyville, west Baltimore, which only 36 hours earlier had
been purchased by a partnership that intends to restore the
mill for lease to light industry or other usage. Dickyville is
both a Baltimore and Natl Register historic district. It was
apparent to all concerned that the historic span was the logi-
cal replacement for the other one, and the MD Historical
Trust, the state’s historical agency, began to pull the pieces

MHT has succeeded, principally through the efforts of Dir
Arthur Townsend (SIA), in assembling the $1 10,000 funding
package, from city, state, the mill’s owners, and because the
Bridge also is on the Natl Register, from the Fedl Govt. Site
work will begin shortly. The two outer lines of trussing
already have been taken down intact and stored; the center
"waterpipe" truss will stay in place until the replacement main
is in.

It means New Uses for Old Buildings, and specifically, indus-
trial buildings. Yes! In a pioneering scheme by the state of CT,
"sturdy but outmoded’ industrial facilities will be revitalized
providing low-cost space for new, small firms, encouraging
their growth and development. NUFOB, administered by the
CT Development Commn, is beginning with a $100,000 grant
from the New Engl Regional Commn. The first project
involves the sprawling New Haven complex, idle since 1965,
of the late A C Gilbert, dear to the hearts of generations of
boys for giving us the Erector Set, American Flyer electric
trains, and a gang of other training aids for incipient IAists.
CT Devel News, Fall 1973.

Lowell Locks Restoration. The Commonwealth of Mass is
being asked by the Human Services Corp to fund, as a Bicen-
tennial project, restoration of the series of locks on the Paw-
tucket Canal, that permitted navigation around the Pawtucket
Falls of the Merrimack and pre-date the famed power canals
there, once more allowing boats to pass the Falls and the dam
erected by the Proprietors of Locks & Canals on the Mer-
rimack River. Towpath Topics (Middlesex Canal Assn).

The ASCE has designated three more Natl Historic CE Land-
marks: 1. The Erie RRs great Starrucca Viaduct at Lanes-
boro, nr Susquehanna, PA, 1848, which with the Canton and
the Thomas viaducts characterizes the heavy masonry tradi-
tion in the US at the height of its glory; 2. Buffalo Bill (for-
merly Shoshone) Dam nr Cody, WY, 1910, once the tallest
in the world and marking the beginning of the exact science
of the design of large, concrete arch dams; and 3. the Camp-
tonville, CA site where in 1878 Lester Pelton perfected the
modem, highefficiency impulse hydraulic turbine or Pel-
ton Wheel. The Viaduct was honored at an Oct ceremony
that featured trains simultaneously crossing over (Erie) and
under (D&H), and an account of its history by local resident,
Editor of Railroading (SIAN 1:2:4), and author of a forthcom-
ing monograph on the Viaduct William S Young (SIA). Full
Acct: Civil Engineering, July, p 96. (cf SIAN 1 :4:2)

Meanwhile, the American Water Works Assn has since 1969
designated the following American Water Landmarks:
Michigan Ave Water Tower, Chicago; High Bridge Water
Tower, NYC (SIAN 2:2:4); Old Mission Dam & Flume, San
Diego, CA; Theodore Roosevelt Dam, Phoenix, AZ; Cascade
Aqueduct, Los Angeles; Gary-Hobart Water Tower, Gary,
IN; Standpipe Water Tower, Louisville, KY; Water Tower,
Riverside, IL; Bethlehem (PA) Waterworks, 1762; Eden Park
Water Tower, Cincinnati, OH; 8th Ave South Reservoir,
Nashville, TN; Filtration Plant, Elmira, NY; Indiana Central
Canal, Indianapolis, Big Hole Pump Station, Pump No 2,
Butte, MT; Cabin John (MD) Aqueduct Bridge; Fresno (CA)
Water Tower; Druid Lake Dam, Baltimore, MD. AWWA, 2
Park Ave, NYC 10016.

The Green Island (NY) Shops,. 1871, ex-Rensselaer &
Saratoga, has been placed on the Natl Register. This may well
be the earliest standing RR shop building in the NE, and
among the very earliest left in NA. It’s now occupied by a
scrap dealer. Full account in M-HAS Report (Reviews).
2 out of 3 Historic Preservation Awards made recently by the
Washington Chap of the American Inst of Architects were
for industrial structures: Colvin Run Mill restoration (SIAN
1:5), Fairfax Co, VA; and Canal Square, Washington, cited
"for its innovative use of deteriorated 19th-century industrial
structures [Georgetown ex-factories built by H Hollerith,
inventor of electric punch-card sorting] as part of a superbly
designed, expanded and mixed use commercial complex
[restaurants, offices, shops]."

Of special importance, the American SOC of Mechanical
Engineers, through its History de Heritage Comm, in Dec will
designate the first two National Historic Mechanical
Engineering Landmarks, with appropriate ceremonies. The
first is the triple-expansion steam pumping engine, with
Riedler pump valves, designed in 1894 for the Boston Water
Works (now Metropolitan Distr Commn) by Erasmus D
Leavitt of Cambridgeport, MA, at the time America’s most
esteemed ME and designer of large, highly efficient steam
engines. He also was a founder of ASME and its 2nd pres.
The engine, the only of Leavitt’s many works to survive, has
been out of service for c20 years but is in fine condition. It
is in MDC’s Chestnut Hill high-service pumping station, 6%
miles SW of Boston, where the ceremony will occur 14 Dec
at 2:30. Those interested are invited. The other NHMEL is
the Ferries & Cliff House Cable Ry, San Francisco, 1887.
Although its original steam driving engine was replaced by
a motor long since, the powerhouse does contain the original
cable winding machinery. The ceremony there took place on
30 Nov. Additional NHMELs will be nominated and marked
each year.

SoHo a Hist Dist
SoHo, an area of 26 square blocks in lower Manhattan
bounded by W Broadway, and Crosby, Canal, and Houston
Sts (so named because of its location south of Houston), has
been designated a historic district by the NYC Landmarks
Preservation Cbmmn. Among its scores of distinguished mid-
19thC commercial buildings is the largest agglomeration of
cast-iron structures anywhere, including many of the nation’s
finest. SoHo’s cast-iron buildings illustrate a significant phase
in structural technology, as well as an American contribution
to architectural history. Cast-iron facades, usually of Renais-
sance inspiration, could be produced both cheaply and
quickly, but went out of vogue in the 1880s when develop-
ments in steel-skeleton construction and high speed elevators
made the skyscraper possible. Ironically, post-WW I1
developments in panel and curtain-wall design clearly have
their origin in techniques of 19thC cast-iron building.

Proponents of landmark designation for SoHo-the
Municipal Art SOC, the AIA NY Chap, the SIA in the form
of a resolution to the mayor passed at the Troy meeting in
April, and mainly, Friends of Cast Iron Architecture
(SA)-feel that preservation of its unique buildings will
stabilize the community and help maintain its balance of com-
mercial and residential use. FOCIA (44 W 9th, NY 10011)
emphasizes, however, that not all significant cast-iron
architecture is in SoHo. Other noteworthy structures are
threatened, and these also should be surveyed to encourage
a fate as happy as that of the SoHo buildings. Robert C. Po.\t.
Hydraulic Monuments

Photographs above and below: Old Croton Dam: At completion and just before inundation

On 19 June two monuments to hydiaulic engineering were
placed on the Natl Register. Old Croton Dam, Westchester
Co, NY, designed by John Bloomfield Jervis and completed
in 1842, and New Croton Dam, completed in 1906, were both
built as part of major aqueduct systems to supply New York
City’s water. The first is now beneath water impounded by
the second.

With its 50-ft height, Jervis’s dam was the first large
masonry dam in the US. It provided the model for many suc-
ceeding dams. Jervis was the first to make use of an ogival
spillway-that is, one whose lower fwe has, in Jervis’s words,
"a reversed curve that would carry the water down at a
smooth volume." The dam was built on timber cribs, and, like
the New Croton Dam which covered it with 30 feet of water,
was a gravity dam with a granite ashlar facing and rubble

In its time the New Croton Dam (297 ft high) was the
largest dam yet built, and still remains the largest purely of
masonry. To Alphonse Fteley’s original part-
earthen-part-masonry design of 1892, major changes were
made by each of the Aqueduct’s succeeding engineers. Chief
among these was the total removal of the earthen dam when
nearly complete in the fall of 1901, due to cracks in the core-
wall. One of its distinguishing features is the original curved
1000-foot spillway, at right angles to the main dam, designed
to take advantage of the rocky north side of the valley for
the waste channel. Peter H Stott, Mt Kisco, IW.

IA Course
The American Civ Dept, Univ of PA, will offer a course
under Prof David G Orr (SIA) in American IA beginning
Spring Term, 1974. Methodology, such as field recording,
surveying, drawing, site photography, and other techniques
will be stressed, together with an examination of the signifi-
cant industrial monuments of the Philadelphia area. Field
trips will cover the textile and steel industries, bridges, trans-
port and power centers, and mills. The course will survey the
growth of industry in Philadelphia by relating these monu-
ments to social and technological history. Class projects will
involve establishing an index of the important IA sites and
manufacts of Philadelphia.

Uncertain that it’s IA, we report with some trepidation that
according to the HUD Newsletter (2 July), the (US) Dept of
Housing & Urban Devel has contributed funding for the pre-
servation, in Council Bluffs, Iowa, of the Old Pottawattamie
County Jail, 1885. Now this isn’t your commonplace lockup,
but is distinguished by being one of the few survivors of 6
"Lazy-Susan" correctional institutions, radial structures with
30 wedge-shaped cells on 3 stories, with a central hand-
cranked ring gear mechanism that made possible constant
surveillance of the prisoners by the jailer. It sounak indus-
trial . . .

An ancient combination baggage-passenger car, possibly the
oldest extant in Canada, has been rescued from ignominy as
a farmer’s shed for the Natl Museum of Science & Tech,
Ottawa, by Curator of Industrial Tech R J Corby (SIA). Built
for the Carillon & Grenville, a broad gauge (5’-6) (probably
the last on the NA Continent) that ran along the Ottawa
River’s N shore, Corby ventures that it was built in Montreal
in 1854. Restoration is planned. Ottawa Citizen.

Restoration of the Tannehill Furnace & Foundry (SIAN 1:6)
at Tannehill State Park nr Birmingham, AL, is slated to begin
in Dec. This involves the first of three furnaces built by the
Tannehill Ironworks, in blast in 1859. When restoration is
completed, it will be recharged and a run of iron made under
the supervision of the Univ of AL and local steel mills. An
adjacent double furnace, 1863, will be reconstructed as funds
become available. Initial funding is being provided by the
state and the Birmingham local of the United Steelworkers
of America. The Tannehill Furnace & Foundry Commn
(SIA) (Box 2407, Tuscaloosa, 35401) is seeking Fedl matching
grants, and other funds.

Having been declared surplus, about 60 acres of the historic
Watertown, MA, Arsenal were purchased from GSA by the
Watertown Redevel Auth for $5.5 million. That was in 1968.
It was hoped that commercial and industrial development
would follow, but no acceptable proposal has ever been
received and the property remains vacant. In June a commit-
tee was formed to study alternative public uses in cooperation
with DOD’s Economic Adjustment Commn. Proposals
included converting 25 acres into a park along the Charles;
a cultural-educational-recreational complex including a trans-
portation museum, and devoting 5 acres around the original
arsenal quadrangle to community use. The committee reports
that most of these proposals are feasible, but that certain
bureaucratic restraints must be eliminated before any are
implemented. An application to the Economic Development Agency

for $67,00O^for advanced planning is in work.

Mill-New Hampshire. The efforts to preserve and reuse
the Belknap Mill, Laconia (~1823, brick, cotton, superb) as
a community center, which have been among the most pro-
tracted and cliff-hanging of all time, appear at last to be on
the final down hill run. Save the Mill Society (SIA) is conduct-
ing a $150,000 funding campaign, of which $93,000 already
has been given by the Fedl Govt. The ex-Holden Woolen
Mill (1863), W Concord, has been tastefully converted into
21 apartments by a small private firm, the success of the proj-
ect-Mill Plaza West-being taken as a good omen by NH
preservationists. The mill’s belfry is to be restored. Although
NH’s larger centers: Manchester, Nashua, Harrisville and
Laconia have received considerable adaptive-use attention,
there are many rural mills and factories of distinction with
potential for conversion that warrant the consideration of
developers. This is true throughout NE, of course. Bryant
Tolles, NH Hist SOC.

Mills-England. As its main contribution to European Con-
servation Year, 1975, the (Brit) Natl Trust hopes to outfit the
Quarry Bank Mill (1 784) in Styal, Cheshire, as a museum of
the origins of the British textile industry. The property was
presented to the Trust in the late 1930s by a great-grandson
of the original owner, and the grounds surrounding the
workers’ cottages (many still occupied by descendants of mill
hands) have long been open to the public. Heretofore, visitors
have come simply to enjoy these grounds, since Quarry Bank
scarcely fits the grim stereotype of the early English cotton
mill. It is situated on the lovely western slope of the Pennines,
and its master, Samuel Greg, tried to provide his employees
with a reasonably pleasant environment. Quarry Bank has
thus attracted some attention for its relevance to social his-
tory, but now an increasing amount of interest from the
standpoint of the history of technology, architecture, and
industrial processes. The Trust has been terminating the
leases of small firms occupying the mill building, while start-
ing a search for appropriate machinery to refit it. Offers have
already been received of machinery and other hardware,
including a set of muzzle-loaders the Gregs relied on for pro-
tection during the Luddite uprisings of the early 1SthC.

A M Sullivan reports in the NJ Historical Commn Newsletter
(Sept) that Oxford Furnace, Warren Co, a state historic site,
and subject of a detailed restoration study by restoration acht
John M Dickey (SIA), ignored by its owner, the state, is

The Ice Industry. The last operating ice house in Maine has
closed and is in danger of physical collapse as well. The Her-
bert W Thompson ice house in S Bristol was built c1825 and
missed not a season since. Ice was cut from a I-acre pond,
18-20 men stocking 8 tons in 2-3 days. Ice once was shipped
as far as Florida. The building has developed a bad list to
the south and chances for survival appear meagre. The
natural ice industry throughout the 19thC was an enormous
and important one, giving rise to a class of structure (ice
houses of truly colossal proportions once dotted the upper
Hudson, Kennebec and other rivers and lakes throughout the
NE US and Canada) that has entirely disappeared. If Thomp-
son’s-to be sure a midget compared to those-can be
measured and drawn before it succumbs. the record will be
unique. Danny A Morris, Lincoln Co (ME) Cult & Hist Assn.

Dark & Satanic we’ll allow, but this is ridiculous. WNET’s
Image reports that "Feasting with Panthers," a play based on
the life of Oscar Wilde, was videotaped for the "Theater in
America" series in a rubble-filled former cotton-cloth finish-
ing mill (1863) in Providence, RI, because it was deemed to
resemble closely the prison in which Wilde was incarcerated.

NH Architecture. As a Bicentennial project, Bryant Tolles,
Jr, (SIA), Asst Dir, NH Hist SOC, is preparing an illus
guidebook to NH’s extant architecture for spring, 1976 publ.
It will cover the full scope of NH architecture, chronologically
and topically by building type, and will, of course, include
many industrial structures from the state’s textile and mfg

Society for the Hist of Techn annual meeting, San Francisco.
The session, Innovations C3 Thew Impact will include several
short papers of IA interest: Pacific telegraph cable; American
mfgd gas industry; sugar beet production; tanning; electric
power. Sir Francis Drake Hotel, 27 Dec, 2:30. Full details:

Intra-IA Adaptive-Use Puzzle Picture. Can you find, in the
1958 coal breaker, just demolished In Dickson City, PA, the
ex-RR hopper cars impressed into duty as coal pockets

Research inquiry: Historic Hardware. The Assn for Preser-
vation Technology plans a special spring Newsletter on HH.
Information on all aspects of the subject are sought: location
of collections; experts; suppliers & replicators; pub1 &
unpubl research; primary source material; etc. The0 Prudon
(SIA), 504 Avery Hall, Columbia Univ, NYC 10027.

Some publications may call them Whatsits?, we prefer Graphic
Research Inquiry. We ask, nevertheless, what, where and
when is it? Stereoscopic photograph, ~18’70-80 by Horton 8c
Davis, Greenfield, MA, weighting the scene toward the Con-
necticut River. Power canal? Navigation bypass canal? What
is the timberwork above the masonry? A large dam is seen
at center. Editor.

Research & Recording Needed
Lime processing works of the Riverton Corp nr Front Royal,
VA, consisting of a tall stack, long horizontal flue, kiln, tip-
ples, bunkers, housing, conveyors, all apparently c1900,
perhaps earlier, soon to be abandoned. Photos & data: Editor.

The 5 Great Western sugar beet plants in western Nebraska.
and Dossibh their Dlants in Colo. that operate large Corliss

The Southern Pacific’s Sacramento, CA shops, the earliest
elements built c1870, still are in use but threatened with aban-
donment and demolition. These are the earliest RR shop
facilities in the Far West.

The Thompson Ice House, ME. (See Ice Industry, above.).

Rideau Trip. This excursion, held jointly with the American
Canal Soc and our first two-day tour was, with the exception
of the weather, a smash. A Supplement, ablaze with vivid
descriptions and illustrations, accompanies. Plans are in work
for a spring trip to some part of the NE US.

Mill City
An extensive exhibit on 19thC Lawrence, MA, a major center
in the industrial revolution, is being held until 31 Dec at the
Lawrence Public Library. Sponsored by the Merrimack Valley
Textile Museum (SIA), Boston Univ and LPL, the exhibit will
focus on ".‘New City’ on the Merrimack-veryday life in 19th
century Lawrence." Photos, documents, and mill equipment
will illustrate the arduous daily existence of the workers and
the emergence of the city as a leader in the textile industry.
"We want to make the public aware of the drama of the
city’s first 50 years, from 1847 to the close of the century,"
said Thomas W Leavitt, MVTM Director. "The exhibit will
depict such events as the instant creation of a mill city on
what had been open fields; the influx of tens of thousands
of immigrant laborers; the rise of boarding houses, tene-
ments and other dwellings; and the collapse of a mill in which
hundreds were killed or injured." The exhibit also will
recreate the lifestyle of the typical mill family. The visitor will
hear taped "interviews" with workers telling how they spend
their work and leisure hours.

Morris W Abbott, Cog Railway to Pikes Peak. San Marino, CA:
Golden West Books. $1.95 paper.

Anthony Burton, The Canal Builders. London: Eyre Methuen
(US: Harper & Row). 1972. 230 pp incl 16 pp illus, maps,
etc. $11.

Ranulph Bye (SIA), The Vanishing Depot. Livingston Pub1 Co,
Box 336, Wynnewood, PA 19096.60 color; 27 BIW paintings.
$20. Reproductions of depots, great and small, throughout
the NE US, by one of our finest watercolorists. Bye’s work
is realistic and eloquent, the ideal medium for expressing the
nostalgia inherent in the subject.

Philip E Cleator, Underwater Archaeology. NY: St Martins
Press. 224 pp, illus & maps. $6.95.

John M Coles, Field Archaeology in Britain. London: Eyre
Methuen (US: Harper & Row). 1972. 267 pp. Illus. $12.50

Robert de Gast, The Lighthouses of the Chesapeake. Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins Univ Press. 174 pp, illus, maps, bibl. $12.50.
Beautiful photographic study, handsomely produced. All
standing + demolished examples map-located and fully
described. The artistic side of IA at its best, without slighting " -~
engines, running only 90 days per year. the technological.

Wm L Morse, "Ironbridge Gorge Museum," in Machine
Design, 4 Oct, pp 20-25. Good illus and diagram of operation
of the Hay canal incline there. Also:

Richard Fifield, "Bedlam Comes Alive Again," in New
Scientist, 29 March, pp 722-75. Fine description of this
preeminent site (IGM) which includes the Bedlam Furnace.
An interesting subarticle, "Phoenix From the Cinders," tells
of the conception and formation of the Museum. See SIANs
1 : 1 & 3; 2:4. And finally:

Peter Watson, "A Museum of Industry," in Illus London News,
Aug, pp 37-43. More on IGM, with superb color photos.
Hoosac Tunnel Centennial 1873-1973. B&M Bulletin, Fall Issue.
20 pp + 1899 Fitchburg RR timetable + color postcard. Bos-
ton & Maine RR Hist SOC, Box 302, Reading, MA 01867. $1
PP. Fine piece of work, highly recommended.
Philip Riden, "Post-Post Medieval Archaeology," in Antiquity,
Sept, pp 210-16. A somewhat depressed, cynical review of
IA’s accomplishments (or lack of) and general health (or lack
of) to now, from the viewpoint of the traditional archeologist,
not unrealistic in some areas and food for thought for us all,
but don’t let it get too deeply to you.

T A Sande (SIA), The Architecture of the Rhode Island Textile
Industry, 1790-1860. PhD dissert, UPa, 1972. Microfilm $4;
bound Xerox $10. Univ Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI. 271 pp.
Development of mills in terms of siting, function, stylistic
influence, etc. All-time list of firms & mills; maps, illus from
HAEWHABS surveys and other sources. Invaluable for
workers in this field.

- "The Natl Park Service and the History of
Technology: The New England Textile Mill Survey," in
Technology C3 Culture, July, pp 404-14. NETMS and other
HAER IA surveys. Illus.

The Slater Mill Historic S i t e d Photographic Guidebook to the
Museum b’ its Collection. Old Slater Mill Assn, Pawtucket, RI
02861. A handsome, strongly impressionistic graphic survey
of this important site. 32 pp. Become a member and one is
yours; others, $1.50.

n H White, Jr, "The RR Reaches California: Men, Machines
& Cultural Migration," in Calif Historical Quarterly, Summer

The Railway & Locomotive Historical Soc’s Railroad History
No. 129 (Autumn) is heavy with IA:
Wm E Warden, "Claudius Crozet: Napoleon’s Captain vs
the Blue Ridge," pp 44-55-RR, canal and tunnel construc-
tion in western VA, 1850s,

Herbert H Harwood, Jr (SIA), "Nothing at the End of the
rainbow: The B&O’s Adventures in Western PA," pp 56-
70, and

E D Calvin (SIA), "The Canton Viaduct," pp 71-85-built
1834-35, still the largest masonry bridge in New England.
1973, pp 131-44. Illus.

Re the cogent comments of Dianne N Macdougall on 100
Years of Brewing (SIAN 2:4) recent developments have wit-
nessed not one but two reprints issued of the 1903 classic
sponsored by THE WESTERN BREWER (1876-1919). The
9 X 13", 718 pp "universal history of brewing" is still very
deserving of that title despite the passage of time and changes
in the industry. The comprehensive discussion of brewing
technology, brewers and breweries, eg, is detailed and well
illustrated. Initial printing was limited. Recent years have
seen the designation "scarce" applied to the volume and $250
prices. While the c700 illustrations have lost some of their
original printing brilliance, Will & Sonja Anderson, Possum
Ridge Rd, Newtown, CT 06470 ($35); and gob Secrist, Wal-
den Hill Country Store, Box 424, Wadsworth, OH 44281,
($35) are to be congratulated. D o u g h A Bakken, Anheuser-
Busch, Znc.

Patrick Geddes (Sir), City Development, a Report to the Carnegie
Dunfemnline Trust. Modern intro by Peter Green. New Bruns-
wick, NJ: Rutgers Univ Press. Photo-reprint of 1st edn
(1904), Edinburgh. 231 pp, $22.50.

Special Offer. E L Kemp (SIA), "Charles Ellet’s Contribution
to the Development of Suspension Bridges." ASCE Meeting
Reprint 1805, Oct 1972. 30 pp. Good summary of his propos-
als and actual works, with special ref to the sole survivor:
Wheeling Suspension Br, 1849. Copies available, courtesy
ASCE (SIA), to the 1st 100 who send 16# in STAMPS to

Maps & Charts. Lowell (MA) Historical SOC (Box 1826,
01853) has published a 6-map portfolio based on items in its
own collections: Pawtucket Farms-182 1; Lowell & Belvidere
Village-1832; Lowell-1845; Ethnic Districts-191 2; Lowell
with dates of Annexation-1914. $3.00. 0 Coastal Charts.
Surplus available, mainly Alaska, Oregon, Georgia, SC,
Maine, Puerto Rico, c1910-40, 38" X 40, $3.50; repros of
26 Wilkes Expdn charts of Pacific NW, 1841, $.75 each;
photocopy of Newark Bay chart, 1839, $2. Full data: Natl
Ocean Survey, Phys Sciences Survey Br (C513), Rockville,
MD 20852. 0 Extensive listing of offset-reproduced city,
county, state and other maps: the Far West; RRs; mines;
atlases; &c &c: Gerald A Noble, Drawer E, Hiawatha, Iowa
52233. (319) 365-5545.

David & Charles, well-known English publishers in IA and
related subjects, has established itself in NA, and can provide
current catalogs direct: New Books July 73-Jan 7 4 ; New Ry
Books. D&C, Inc, N Pomfret, VT 50503. (802) 457-1911.

A Report of the Mohawk-Hudson Area Survey. A Selective
Recording Survey of the Industrial Archeology of the Mohawk C3
Hudson River Valleys in the Vicinity of Troy, New York, June-
September, 1969. Robert M Vogel, Editor. Smithsonian Studies
in History & Technology No 26, Smithsonian Institution
Press, Washington, DC. 1973. 210 pp, illus. From: Supt of
Documents, GPO, Wash, DC 20402. $3.35 PP. No 4700-

This report consists of two parts. Part 1 consists of a 21-
page description of the survey team, the techniques employed
and the costs of the project. Conducted by the Historic
American Engineering Record, the Survey was sponsored by
the Smithsonian Instn, the American Society of Civil
Engineers, and the NY State Office of Parks & Recreation,
as well as the Natl Park Service.

Part 2-the bulk of the Report-consists of the Survey
Record, the historical, biographical, engineering and architec-
tural data for the 15 structures covered by the survey. Illus-
trations supplement the text at every appropriate point.
Photographs, measured drawings, engravings and litho-
graphs all serve to illuminate the subject.

This may be the most comprehensive catalog of its type yet
turned out by industrial archeologists on either side of the
Atlantic. But Vogel’s disciplined pen has all but eliminated
the chatty quality which characterizes the published works of
English industrial archeologists. Only Samuel Rezneck man-
ages to insert his own point of view consistently.

Who might we expect to use the data which has been
meticulously assembled here? I can think of five groups
whose members will find this Report valuable: historians of
technology, urban historians, business historians, architec-
tural historians and, of course, members of the SIA clan. For
all of these, the Report will be, on occasion, an important
reference work.
Tho" W Leavitt Merrimack Valley Textile Museum

SIA Home: http://www.sia-web.org or http://www.siahq.org