Contact Information |
Contact and Membership InformationPresident Anthony Meadow Secretary/Treasurer - Membership, Newsletter, Webmaster Jay McCauley
In early 2006, the Board of Directors voted to simplify and reduce the dues to $10 per year. This reflects a significant savings in publications costs due to increased electronic publication, both web and email.
To join the Chapter, please send a check or money order (made out to the Samuel Knight Chapter) to the Chapter Secretary. Please supply your email address as well as your mail address. The Board voted to never disclose Chapter email addresses to outside parties. Membership is on a calendar year basis, January to December. We'd also love to know about your interests, skills, etc. that might be part of a future Chapter event. The Chapter does not have tax-exempt status, so dues should not be deducted.
We encourage Chapter members to also consider joining the National SIA to be able to participate in National events and to receive IA and other publications.