Who we are

What we plan to do

Contact Information

Chapter Newsletters

Links to IA Sites


Notes: Prior to Issue 11, the newsletters were not completely digital. Figures, and sometimes entire articles, were inserted as manual pasteups. An effort is being mounted to recover significant figures and articles. Newer newsletters are all digital and in addition to transforming them into web pages, they are available in PDF(tm) for local viewing or printing in their original format. The web versions contain the original text, but may include additional features such as color pictures not available in the hardcopy or PDF.

Newsletters, by their nature, are snapshots in time. These web versions have not been revised except where there were problems found by the site and page management tools. Data such as addresses, phone numbers, etc. may be out of date in the older newsletters. Sometimes plans got ahead of reality, so not everything that was planned actually occurred.

line.blue.gif (2K)

Issue 21 - July 2006 (PDF)

Chapter News

Planned Events
Dinner Meeting with Dr. Gray Brechin
Dues Reduced
SIA National Conference, June 1-3, Saint Louis, MO
Fall Tour, September 28-October 1, Youngstown, OH

Notes and Tidbits

Noel’s Travels
IA on the Mother Road and the Loneliest Highway
Book Review: Brunel The Man Who Built the World by Steven Brindle
Book Review: The Victorian Internet by Tom Standage
Wikis, Mashups and Maps

Issue 20 - November 2005 (PDF)

Chapter News

Newsletter Update
A Note from Jay
Upcoming Chapter Event: Dec 3, 2005 Tour of National Archives and Records Administration (San Bruno) and a visit to the Hiller Aviation Museum
Chapter Event: Annual Meeting, Willits, CA, September 10, 2005
Chapter Event: Bale Mill Visit, May 7, 2005

Notes and Tidbits

2005 SIA Annual Conference
2005 SIA Fall Tour

Issue 19 - April 2005 (PDF)

Chapter News

Chapter Event – AMTRAK Excursion to the California State Railroad Museum
Upcoming Event: Bale Grist Mill State Historic Park
Upcoming Event – Annual Chapter Meeting, Roots of Motive Power Steam Festival at Willets, CA, Saturday, 10 Sept 05
Upcoming Event – Visit to National Archives and Records Administration, San Bruno, CA, Saturday 3 Dec 05

Notes and Tidbits

A Plug for the SIA Fall Tour
Book Review – The John Bull - A British Locomotive Comes to America by David Weitzman
Video Review – Pursuit of Precision
Book Review - Isambard Kingdom Brunel - Engineering Knight Errant by Adrian Vaughan

Issue 18 - January 2005 (PDF)

Chapter News

Upcoming Event: Amtrak Capitol Excursion to Sacramento
Upcoming Event: Bale Grist Mill State Historic Park
2004 Review
Looking Forward

Notes and Tidbits

Knight Foundry Update
Book Review: Building Construction Before Mechanization

Knight Chapter Membership Renewal Form
Contact and Membership Information

Issue 17 - April 2004 (PDF)

Chapter News

Chapter News

Upcoming Event: Western Dovetail at Mare Island
Upcoming Event: Sturgeon’s Mill Visit
Chapter Event: Folsom Trip
Good Luck Scott!
SIA Spring Study Tour – Catalunya’s Industrial Heritage

Notes and Tidbits

Stationary Steam
Travel Tip: Wonderful Willits – Roots of Motive Power, Inc. and the Mendocino County Museum
Book Review: Henry Maudslay & the Pioneers of the Machine Age By John Cantrell & Gillian Cookson
Book Review: The Measure of All Things by Ken Alder
Book Review: Rider in the Sky – How an American Cowboy Built England’s First Airplane by John Hulls

Contact and Membership Information

Issue 16 - December 2003 (PDF)

Chapter News

Membership Renewal Time
Annual Meeting
Sacramento Shops Tour
SIA Fall 2003 Tour – Northeast Montana September 26th-29th

Notes and Tidbits

Book Review:The Last Lone Inventor, by Evan I. Schwartz
Book Review: The Lunar Men: Five Friends Whose Curiosity Changed the World, by Jenny Uglow
Book Review: The Difference Engine, CHARLES BABBAGE and the Quest to Build the First Computer By Doron Swade
Book Review: To Conquer the Air, The Wright Brothers and the Great Race for Flight, by James Tobin
Book Review: Railway Car Construction by William Voss

Knight Chapter Membership Renewal Form
Contact and Membership Information

Issue 15 - August 2003 (PDF)

Chapter News

Upcoming Event: Annual Chapter Meeting, 25 October, California State Railroad Museum / SP Shops, Sacramento
Chapter Status Report
Kern County Oil Field Tour Report
2003 SIA Conference – Montreal, Quebec
LaborFest Labor History Bay Tour Report

Notes and Tidbits

Reflections on the Stockton Trip of the Jeremiah O'Brien
Book Review: America Transformed, Engineering and Technology in the Nineteenth Century

The Brick City – Holyoke, MA
Contact and Membership Information

Issue 14 - April 2003 (PDF)

Chapter News

Upcoming Event: Southern California Oil Tour, May 3-4 2003
Upcoming Event: Laborfest Boat Trip
Potential Chapter Project
Chapter Web Site Updated

Notes and Tidbits

B&O Museum Roof Collapse
ASCE “Me and My Infrastructure” Exhibit
ASME Historic Sites Brochures Web Site

Memories of Holyoke
The Carquinez Bridges
Review of Shell Refinery Tour, January 2, 2003
Review of “A Flier in Oil”
Contact and Membership Information

Issue 13 - December 2002 (PDF)

Chapter News

Annual Chapter Meeting
Shell Refinery Tour, January 2, 2003
Chapter Events in the Planning Stage
Mailing List Cleanup
Meet a Member

Oil Exploration at Squaw Flat
Floating IA - The S.S. Jeremiah O'Brien
Contact and Membership Information

Issue 12 - September 2002 (PDF)

Annual Membership Meeting
Membership Renewal
Spinning Cables at Carquinez
Membership Renewal Information
Contact and Membership Information

Issue 11 - August 2002 (PDF)

Knight Foundry Update
Upcoming Tours and Events

Washington Twp. Railroad Fair
Annual Meeting
Recent Tours and Events
Victory Ship Tour

Barrel Making in Mendocino County
The Comeback of an Old Sawmill
Sturgeons Sawmill - Frozen in Time
Sturgeons Mill Restoration Project
Contact and Membership Information

Membership Letter - September 2001

Issue 10 - June 2000

A Time of Renewal
Knight Foundry Saved
Upcoming Tours and Events
This Old Flat Car: Nuts & Bolts
Notes and Queries
Sponsorship, Volunteer and Reservation Form
Contact and Membership Information

Issue 9 - September 1999

This Issue
Upcoming Tours and Events
Knight Foundry Progress Report
Recent Tours and Events
Anachronistic Industries Conference
Fire at the Alameda Point Ferry Terminal
This Old Flat Car
A Beginners Brief Introduction to the Chapter’s Electronic Mailing Lists on Industrial Archeology
Industrial Archeology at Legoland
Notes and Queries
Mail-In Ballot: Director's Election
Pledge, Donation and Legacy
Contact and Membership Information

Issue 8 - April 1999

This Issue
Upcoming Tours and Events
White Brothers: "Over 100 Years of Quality"
This Old Flat Car: A Documentary Film Script
Knight Foundry Progress Report: Endgame
T. A. Rickard and His California Connections
Notes and Queries
Listing of Chapter Newsletter Articles
Contact and Membership Information

Issue 7 - December 1998

This Issue
Upcoming Tours and Events
This Old Flat Car: Railfair 99
Recent Tours
Knight Foundry Progress Report
The Preservation of Historic Skills
The Artisan At Work Web Site
Bricking the Pacific Coast: New Almaden Re-Visited
The SIA and Its Local Chapters
Save Knight Foundry Pledge Form
Contact and Membership Information

Issue 6 - July 1998

Appeal to the Membership
Upcoming Tours and Events
Second Annual Business Meeting and Tour of the Western Railway Museum
Macauley Foundry Tour
Maritime Tour Series
Logs, Lumber and Longshoring
Knight Foundry Plans Completed, Funding Effort Launched
The Bridges of Niles Canyon
Donation, Sponsor and Legacy to Save Knight Foundry
IA Interests Questionnaire and Membership Survey
Notes Industrial Archæological
Contact and Membership Information

Issue 5 - Not available on-line.

Issue 4 - November '97

Issue 3 - October '97

Issue 2 - June '97

Issue 1 - May '97

 ©Copyright 1997-2006 Samuel Knight Chapter, Society for Industrial Archeology. All rights reserved.