Society for Industrial Archeology
Roebling Chapter Greater New York Area |
The Roebling chapter is the New York/New Jersey regional chapter of the national Society for lndustrial Archeology. The chapter promotes the study of the physical survivals of the technological and industrial past in our region. We encourage and sponsor recording field investigation, research, and the dissemination of information on all aspects of industrial archeology, history preservation and adaptive reuse. (Roebling Chapter Bylaws-PDF) Our activities include an annual meeting in January, a corn roast in the late summer, a symposium at Drew University in the fall, and ad hoc field trips to sites of interest year round. Recent trips have included sites as diverse as the Oradell Water Works, a trip on the Fireboat John J. Harvey, Paterson New Jersey's historic industrial district, archeological remains of the Morris Canal, and a harbor cruise with special attention to IA areas of interest. Our newsletter keeps members informed of chapter activities and items of IA interest (see Newsletters option above for recent copies) The Roebling chapter hosted the 31'st annual SIA national conference in June of 2002, as well as the 14th annual conference in 1985 and the annual fall tour in September 1987. We have often been cited as the most active of the SIA local chapters! If you have any questions about the Chapter please feel free to email the Chapter President, Lynn Rakos at Return to the national SIA Home Page: |