(yes, the name was a joke).
The GTA list includes major items such as
railroad cars, wagons, locomotives or even major machine
tools. To be
listed as a GTA a item must have several attributes; it must be a collection
of separately catalogable parts which have a single common
identity as a
unit, they must be useful primarily as that unit, and
within our cataloging
system they are a "home" location for catalogued parts.

This list also allows us to capture replica equipment,
which while not
historic in and of itself (i.e. not old) holds value to our
group for its historic
appearance, as well as its operational value. Additionally
these replica
cars can incorporate some historic parts in their
construction, and therefore
are a location for catalogued parts.

We maintain the GTA list as a separate database within and
linked to our
existing databases. In addition to the linked computerized
list we keep
files for each GTA holding maintenance and
historic records. Further
each GTA is the subject of a restoration report explaining
decisions and
assumptions relating to the object's restoration or
construction. Through
these interconnected lists we feel that we are able to
track all of our
"goodies" whether large or small.