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Newsletter of
The Samuel Knight Chapter
of the Society for Industrial
Issue number 2
July 16, 1997

Next meeting - August 3, 1997.......................................2
Contact information......................................................2
Minutes of our second meeting......................................4

"The Artisan at Work"..................................................7

IA events......................................................................7
IA on paper..................................................................8



IA Interests Questionnaire.............................................10


Next meeting - August 3, 1997

The next meeting will be held on August 3, 1997 at 10am at the New
Almaden Quicksilver Park in San Jose. The park is administered by the
Santa Clara County Park District. We will have a guided tour of the
quicksilver (mercury) mines and the area on which the mine buildings and
worker houses once stood. Little remains of these buildings. We have
made special arrangements to find a docent who is familiar with the
geology and history of the area. Mercury mining started in the 1840's and
continued until 1976. The park also contains a museum, which we will
also visit.

We will meet at the parking lot near the Hacienda entrance to the park
(there are two other entrances), located at the south end of New Almaden.
From Highway 85, take the Almaden Expressway, proceed 3 miles along
Almaden Road through the town of New Almaden to the unpaved staging
area on the right. There are no fees required to enter the park.

Please be on time since it will not be easy to catch up with the group.
Expect hot weather, so please bring water and dress appropriately. Bring
a picnic lunch. The mile and a half hike to the location of the former
mines is uphill.

For directions, call the Park at 408 268 3883.


Samuel Knight Chapter SIA Newsletter

July 16, 1997

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