A similar tour retracing the Marin Coast Railroad

San Francisco
cable car system

C&H Sugar

sugar plant

Andy said that he was involved with organizing a boat tour
of the San
Francisco harbor: bridges, ferries, docks, pile driver,

Tony Meadow suggested that the
Chapter start an electronic mailing list to
send announcements of interest to members. Everyone
thought that this
was a good idea, but concern was expressed for those who do
not have
internet access. A consensus was reached that the Chapter
should also
organize a phone tree to ensure that everyone can be
reached for last
minute announcements. Tony and Jay McCauley are working on
establishing the mailing list.

A tour was provided for the
remaining members at the historic Patterson
farm house.

As a follow-up to this
discussion, Andy has drafted an outline market
research and marketing plan, as a means of gathering ideas
information from everyone interested in saving the foundry.
This is
available by calling him at 510 595-5835 and will also be
posted on the
Chapter Website (http://reality.sgi.com/csp/knight_sia), where
you will
be able to email responses to the questions and ideas
outlined in the plan.
One concept which has met with interest is to resume the
popular three day workshops at Knight as a means of raising
marketing money. The essence of the problem is to line up
business to justify resuming foundry operations. Your
contacts with any
preservation groups needing cast or machined iron parts is
crucial to
solving that problem.

"Pouring Iron", the Knight Foundry interpretive videotape
by Chapter
Members David Weitzman, Lora Change and Andy Fahrenwald is an
excellent potential sales tool for anyone with potential
customer contacts.
It is available from Phoenix Media, (Andy and Lora's video
company), 5252 1/2 Boyd Ave., Oakland, CA 94618 for $19.95,
plus $3.50
for S&H.

"The Artisan at Work"
The historic industrial skills World Wide Web Archive
Chapter Task Force
has begun its
work on "The Artisan at Work." A
first planning meeting
July 8th in
Oakland was attended by Allen Langmuir, Eleanor Walden, Jay
Elaine Winters, Anthony Templer, Lora Change, Maya
Jarvis Rich and Andy Fahrenwald. Two years of preliminary
work by the
Industrial Living History Consortium have provided the
for this meeting. The discussion focused primarily on the goal
of having a
prototype site up and running within a couple of months,
all the features we plan to include. Attendees at past
