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newsletter, calendar and selection of links to other IA Websites worldwide
are posted on our newly re-designed Chapter Web Site at

This very successful first year has been made possible by the participation
of an activist membership and a hard-working Board of Directors: Tony
Meadow, Randy Hees, Noel Kirshenbaum, Nate Shugars and Jay
McCauley. My heartfelt thanks - working with you has been a pleasure
and a privilege. My best wishes to you all in this season of rekindling the
flame. Forward into the Past!

Andy Fahrenwald, Chapter President


Save Knight Foundry

Saving Knight Foundry is a declared mission of our Chapter. Our second
Chapter meeting was largely devoted to an in-depth status update with
foundry owner Carl Borgh. It is now the consensus of the Board of
Directors and other members that the time has come for the Samuel Knight
Chapter to launch a fresh initiative to preserve Knight & Co., Historic
Water-Powered Iron Foundry and Machine Shop for future posterityas:

1. An operating enterprise.

2. An historic industrial interpretive site.

3. An industrial living history skills preservation center.

These three roles are inextricably linked and present a unique challenge to
the Northern California historic preservation community. (The underlying
assumption that the foundry must be preserved as an operating business
has become the consensus of all involved.) The Samuel Knight Chapter is
in the process of filing as a Section 501(c)3 tax exempt non-profit
organization and can act as organizational umbrella for the Knight start-
up, unless or until a more appropriate entity appears.

This initiative will begin with a two day Chapter Tour and Symposium on
January 17th and 18th. The goals of this event are to place Knight & Co. in
its historic regional and industrial contexts, to bring to the table all the
necessary talent needed for successfully restarting the foundry and to work
together to create a preservation strategy. We will work in advance of the
meeting to build support for the effort, to draft an organizational plan and
to identify customers for the foundry. We call on the participation of all of
you who value Knight Foundry.


Samuel Knight Chapter SIA Newsletter

November 30, 1997

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