The foundry has been
recognized as a California Historical Landmark, a
National Historic Mechanical Engineering Landmark and is
listed on the
National Register of Historic Places. The video "Pouring
Iron," sponsored
by the National Trust for Historic Preservation and Friends
of Knight
Foundry was produced for foundry visitor orientation.

Amador Ledger photo

Friends of Knight Foundry and
other concerned preservationists also
succeeded in alerting the public and the larger
preservation community:

* The
History Channel aired a
segment from "Pouring Iron."

* The
foundry tour was for many the highlight of The Society for
Archeology's 1996 Annual Conference in Sacramento.

* The National
Trust for Historic Preservation declared Knight one of
the country's
eleven most endangered historic sites and and published a
"Dark Foundry," in
Historic Preservation, May/June 1996.

Smithsonian featured
Knight as an endangered site, Sept. 1996.

* The evolving
Knight foundry story has received extensive coverage in
the local and
regional press.

* A new
illustrated children's book about Knight Foundry by David
Weitzman, also entitled
"Pouring Iron", will be
released Fall 1998.
Friends of Knight Foundry
preservation effort successes
Friends made solid progress toward
creating a model, revenue generating,
program and in pulling together a large, talented and diverse
group of
volunteers. Friends' three-day Industrial Living History
enabled people to make their own patterns, learn green sand
molding and
participate in the actual pouring of hot iron. These
were always sold out and produced significant income. The
put the machine shop in working order and formed a seasoned
'pour day'
crew to assist the paid staff on the foundry side. Much of the
expertise of
veteran foundry workers was transferred to these volunteers
as well as to
a new generation of paid staff. Finally, foundry owners, Carl
and David
Borgh, have reaffirmed their long-standing commitment to the
preservation of Knight & Co. These human resources are a fund of
capital which will be readily available to help with restarting
