Are there particular
historic industrial skills which you think are in need of

Do you practice any historic

Interested in helping with the
Historic Skill Preservation Digital
Archive/Web Site task force?

Computer-related skills and resources:

Interested in working to
preserve the Knight Foundry?

Any ideas on where the Knight
Foundry could get some business? Would
you like to have a copy of the Marketing Plan?

Any ideas on products you
think Knight should produce? Please list both
specific potential customer and general categories of
customers and

If you know of any other
organizations with which we should work, please
let us know about them.


Contact information:

We are beginning a membership
drive and have prepared a brochure for
display at museums or other sites and a s a mailer. Let us
know if there's
anyone else who might be interested in joining our Chapter
or of any
location which you think would d display our brochure.
Please send us
name, address and telephone number. Thanks.