year, and one or more
hearings will be held. After the DEIS is finalized, a
final Environmental Impact Report will be issued, which
will incorporate
our hearing testimony and documentation. The site will then
transferred to the Alameda Redevelopment and Reuse Agency
The ARRA plans to use the area adjacent to the site for
shoreline trails and
a golf course, work to start in 1999. This is more good
news, as these uses
will not disturb the 1884 Ferry Terminal site.

In our future report, we hope to outline a plan for
recovering the remains
of the Carter Brothers Builders South Pacific Coast
narrowgauge coaches.
If you are interested in participating in this project or
can contribute to the
research effort, contact Randy Hees at 415 347-5055, or
email -

Stay tuned!
The weekend following our
Knight Foundry Tour, the Oakland Museum
will begin GOLD RUSH! California's Untold
Stories, a seven month series
of events commemorating the sesquicentennial of the 1849
Gold Rush.

This opening symposium and lecture series on January 24th and 25th
marks the exact date of James Marshall's gold discovery at
Sutter's Mill,
and will feature lectures by J.S. Holiday, Malcolm
Roharbaugh, Patricia
Limerick, Richard White, California State Librarian Kevin Starr and four
panel discussions: "The Gold Seekers: Who They Were, Why
They Came
and What They Found", "Mining the Gold - Mining the
"Statehood, Urban Expansion, Vigilance, Racial and Economic
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly", and "The Legacy of the
Gold Rush -
A Golden State."

For Information on times and costs of these events call 510

National Railway Preservation
Symposium, "Interpreting Railway
History and Technology."

This symposium is always one of the best
preservation events of the year.
Sponsored by the California State Railroad Museum and the
Foundation in Sacramento, California. Information: Cathy
Taylor or Liz
Edrich, CSRMF Symposium, 111 "I" Street, Sacramento CA,

916-445-5995, fax 327-5255, email